Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Book Review of ‘THE EYES OF DARKNESS’ by Dean Koontz

Book Review of 


In the present scenario of Corona virus which is devastating China and spreading to other countries, this book springs a story of fiction to actual present day reality.

Published by Nikui Inc in 1981, under a pseudonym Leigh Nichols, it was actually written by Koontz.

This book of 4297 pages has 40 chapters.

It is a book of fiction with a lot of psychedelic manifestations. Story of a young boy who has been involved in an expedition accident over a year. Suddenly his mother has an inclining that his is alive. 

The descriptions of places and events are uncanny and unlike most real situations, the good guys keep winning against all odds!

Wuhan virus as was described in 1981 appears to have similar characteristics of the present Corona virus of the 2020. Again originating in China in the same town.

The story may have been highlighted for that reason. That is why I read the book too, but in all fairness, the narration is gripping and events move at a fast pace. It was one of the good books of fiction I have appreciated.

Kudos to the deep insight of the author.

My favourite quotes from the book:

  1. ‘It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, as long s you stay in the game’ &
  2. ‘Laughter is a balm for the afflicted, the best defence against despair and the only medicine for the melancholy’

And off the topic, did you know that in some of the advanced countries like Singapore, they are actively sending out the nurses daily to all buildings and offices proactively checking people for their temperature. If they have an elevated temperature, they are advised check up at the clinic.

Shows the high level of the public health care that their governments practice when an infectious disease rampages through the population.


  1. Interestingly and sensitively written, doc.

    I used to read Robin Cook when I was young. Koontz has a similar touch.

    And yes, that is so proactive and preemptive of Singapore. People are still mocking China for an age-old eating culture which I feel is so unintelligent and narrow minded. Wuhan is taking all steps to see that the virus doesn't spread. In an age of social media, the exaggarated feeds and trolling is unsavoury. It's nice to see you take a different stand.

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