Thursday, January 16, 2025



These triple Pongal days, I was on the road traveling 436 km on 14th Jan 2025 and the same distance back on 16 th Jan from Coimbatore to Kanyakumari. Pongal celebrations - have they remained the same or just hyped up by TV shows or shopping melas?

Certainly, the way Indians celebrate traditional festivals has evolved in recent years. There is less of road side games or Pongalo Pongal worshipping in the apparent open fields!

While commercialization is evident, with a focus on consumerism as evidenced by full page adverts of big shopping corporations on the papers or numerous TV programs, many still prioritize religious rituals and family gatherings.

This has been facilitated by the government declaring 5 days official leave.

Festivals continue to be used as platforms for social causes and community engagement.

Essentially, while the way festivals are celebrated has shifted, their cultural and social significance remains strong in Indian society. They should continue to do so, as it retains our identity and hands over traditions to the next generation!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023



                                                   Vande Bharat

Christmas 2023 was special as my wife and I spent it in Chennai to celebrate my granddaughter's christening (naming ceremony). 

Dr Twinkle booked the tickets for her husband (my son), her two children, my wife and me by Vande Bharat about 2 months before the trip. 

This was the first our first ever trip in the really fast, fully air-conditioned, daytime train from Coimbatore to Chennai (and back). 

We reached the railway station half an hour early for the 6am station. The train looked posh. 

The compact engine was not separate, being attached to a compartment both at the front and the back of the train.

The number of carriages was limited. Seats were well spaced out with 3 - 2 configuration in the general chair car compartment with really large glass windows to view the exterior.

Doors were automatic and the train could only start after the doors were closed. OK, so far it was like metro trains except all were reserved seats.-with no standees so characteristic of our metro trains. 

You could sit or you could sleep as the interior was peaceful! No hawkers in any compartment.


 The train stopped at highly selected stations only for 2 minutes

The early birds were allotted to the centre tables facing each other. 

Your seats were spacious even in the general coach with foldable armrests like in aircraft ЁЯШГ

Adequate space in front to hold an infant. Spacious leg room.

All the dynamic data like speed, distance to the next station and emergency numbers were displayed continuously on LCD screens. Speaker Announcements in English, Hindi and Tamil, just as visual displays too. 

We remembered the day before the journey that we had not opted for the food on board, but Dr Twinkle managed to google for filter coffee and fresh breakfast at Salem for us. This was delivered at the coach's footsteps for COD (cash on delivery) from the railway canteen, after quoting an OTP. Everything depended on the total punctuality of the train and it all clicked effectively. 

WiFi was limited only to rail and government advertising materials. 

Positives of Vande Bharat trip were many like punctuality, courtesy by TTE and railway staff, great seats, functioning AC coaches, decent toilets, and continuous visual displays. 

The overhead luggage storage shelves could take on larger and heavier suitcases than in aeroplanes. 


Infants (less than 12 months)need some waking after feeds, to get them out of boredom. The aisles were broad and had handles on the side of seats to walk. The train was ideally built with all these in mind, especially moving at nearly 130- 135 km per hour.

My 7-year-old grandson and I walked up and inspected the Executive Class (EC). More spacious, bigger seats on a 2 - 2 configuration. The twins' seats could be rotated to watch the large windows by turning them 90 degrees. Food too had more varieties (optional non-veg food) in the EC. The cost of the ticket was double that of the general chair cars which was fair enough.

There were some negatives too, like all things in public life. 

* Despite public funds raised out of our tax money, the self-flagellation of a few personalities via video loops could have been substituted with growth plans for the public and the Indian nation. 

* All the excellent canteen staff could converse only in Hindi with only a very sketchy English - no Tamil in Tamil Nadu. Best to remember clear communication is needed for effective delivery of service to the public. 

* The food was indeed decent, though in large volume. However, the food which got delivered to us from the canteens was fresher with filter coffee. Many around us asked us how this could done for their own future use. 

* WiFi is WiFi. At present it is used only for local railway internet. This currently can be extended to the general Internet as well, to include Google, YouTube, Gmail, and WhatsApp, instead of only watching what is shown at present. Most passengers would appreciate this gesture more.

So, how are these trains going to fair in future? 

I met some colleagues who prefer to take this train to travel daily to work in faraway cities like Erode, and Salem, as the train is always punctual, all seats are reserved, good ambience and rapid long-distance transport. 

As of now, there are 35 Vande Bharat trains are running in India. Hopefully, by August 2024, 75 are projected to be effectively running. 8-car and 15-car services are now available. Punctual, efficient, rapid, and safe trains will always be popular among the public.

So extrapolating these feelings, Vande Bharath trains will be popular if we maintain the present standards. 

Sunday, August 6, 2023




  • Ghee, butter, vanaspathi, palmoil, coconut oil.
  • Ice-cream, chocolates, cream biscuits, sweet and bakery products.
  • Coconut and coconut added food items.
  • Potato, yam, sweet potato,colocasia’
  • Deep fried items.
  • Coco-cola, fanta,mirinda and other proprietary drinks.
  • High calorie fruits such as mango, banana, sapota, jackfruit, custard apple, pineapple.
  • Cashews, badam, pista, groundnut and other nuts.
  • Dry fruits like dates, dry grapes and figs.
  • Egg yolk, mutton, panner, cheese, prawns and butter.
  • Fast food items.


  • Skimmed milk or tea or coffee can be taken 300 ml per day.
  • Chicken or fish or egg (whole) can be taken 50 gms once a week.
  • Sunflower or gingelly oil or olive oil can be taken 3-4 teaspoon daily.
  • Orange, sweet lime, guava, apple, papaya and water melon can be taken (any one ) daily about 50 gms.


  • Raw vegetables, butter milk, vegetable soup, rasam can be taken liberally.



No.8, Krishna Nagar,Sowripalayam,Coimbatore.641028

Ph: 0422- 7967544, 8015087871



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рокிрой்ро╡ро░ுроо் роЙрогро╡ுроХро│ைрод் родро╡ிро░்роХ்роХро╡ுроо்

  • роиெроп் , ро╡ெрог்рогெроп் , роЯாро▓்роЯா , родேроЩ்роХாроп் роОрог்рогெроп் , рокாрооாропிро▓் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை.
  • роРро╕்роХிро░ீроо் , роЪாроХ்ро▓ேроЯ் , роХிро░ீроо்рокிро╕்роХроЯ் роЗройிрок்рокு ро╡роХைроХро│் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокேроХ்роХро░ி ро╡роХைроХро│்.
  • родேроЩ்роХாроп் рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் родேроЩ்роХாроп் роЪேро░்род்родрок் рокродாро░்род்родроЩ்роХро│்.
  • роХிро┤роЩ்роХு ро╡роХைроХро│் (роЙро░ுро│ை , роЪேройை , роХро░ுрогை , роЪேрок்рокроХ்роХிро┤роЩ்роХுроХро│்)
  • роОрог்рогெроп்ропிро▓் рокொро▒ிрод்родро╡ை.
  • роХோроХோ роХோро▓ா , рооிро░ிрог்роЯா , рооாроЪா , роХро▓ро░் , рокрой்ройீро░் роЪோроЯா рокோрой்ро▒ роЪெропро▒்роХை роХுро│ிро░் рокாройроЩ்роХро│்.
  • роЪро░்роХ்роХро░ை роЪேро░்род்родрок் рокро┤роЪ்роЪாро▒ு.
  • роОроЯை роХூроЯ்роЯроХ்роХூроЯிроп роЕродிроХ роХро▓ோро░ி роЪрод்родுро│்ро│ рокро┤ ро╡роХைроХро│் (ро╡ாро┤ைрок்рокро┤роо் , рооாроо்рокро┤роо் , роЪீрод்родாрок்рокро┤роо் , роЪрок்рокோроЯ்роЯா , рокро▓ாрок்рокро┤роо் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை)
  • рокроЯ்роЯாрогிрок்рокро░ுрок்рокு , рооுрои்родிро░ி , рокாродாроо் , рокிро╕்родா , роиிро▓роХ்роХроЯро▓ை рокோрой்ро▒ роХொроЯ்роЯை ро╡роХைроХро│்.
  • роЙро▓ро░்рои்род рокро┤роЩ்роХро│ாрой рокேро░ிроЪ்роЪை , роЙро▓ро░்рои்род родிро░ாроЯ்роЪை , роЕрод்родிрок்рокро┤роо் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை
  • рооுроЯ்роЯைропிрой் роороЮ்роЪро│் роХро░ு , рооாрооிроЪроо் , рокாро▓ாроЯைроХ்роХроЯ்роЯி рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை
  • родுро░ிрод роЙрогро╡ுроХро│ாрой роиூроЯிро▓்ро╕் , рокாройிрокூро░ி , рокேро▓் рокூро░ி рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை.

рокிрой்ро╡ро░ுроо் роЙрогро╡ுроХро│ை роХுро▒ிрок்рокிроЯ்роЯ роЕро│ро╡ிро▓் роЙрог்рогро╡ுроо்
  • роХொро┤ுрок்рокு роиீроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯ рокாро▓் роТро░ு роиாро│ைроХ்роХு 300 рооிро▓ி роороЯ்роЯுроо் роЪேро░்род்родு роХொро│்ро│ро╡ுроо்
  • роЪூро░ிропроХாрои்родி (роЕроиро▓்ро▓ெрог்рогெроп் роТро░ு роиாро│ைроХ்роХு 3-4 роЯீро╕்рокூрой் роороЯ்роЯுрооே роЙрогро╡ிро▓் роЪேро░்роХ்роХро╡ுроо்.
  • роХோро┤ி (роЕ) рооீрой் (роЕ) рооுро┤ுрооுроЯ்роЯை (ро╡ро░ுроХ்роХாрооро▓் (роЕрокொро░ிроХ்роХாрооро▓்) 50 роХிро░ாроо் роЕро│ро╡ிро▓் ро╡ாро░роо் роТро░ு рооுро▒ை роороЯ்роЯுрооே роЙроЯ்роХொро│்ро│ро╡ுроо் (роИро░ро▓் , роЪிро▒ுроиீро░роХроо் , рооூро│ை рооுродро▓ிроп рокாроХроо் родро╡ிро░)
  • рооுроЯ்роЯைропிрой் ро╡ெро│்ро│ைроХ்роХро░ு ро╡ாро░роо் роЗро░рог்роЯு (роЕрооூрой்ро▒ு рооுро▒ை роЙрогро╡ிро▓் роЪேро░்роХ்роХро▓ாроо்
  • роЖрок்рокிро│் (роЕ) роЖро░роЮ்роЪு (роЕроЪாрод்родுроХ்роХுроЯி(роЕ) роХொроп்ропா (роЕ) рокрок்рокாро│ி (роЕ) родро░்рок்рокூроЪрогி роЖроХிроп рокро┤роЩ்роХро│ிро▓் роПродாро╡родு роТрой்ро▒ை роЪிро▒ிродு роЕро│ро╡ிро▓் 5рпж роХிро░ாроо் роЕро│ро╡ு роТро░ு роиாро│ைроХ்роХு роЙрог்рогро▓ாроо்

роХுро▒ிрок்рокு :

рокроЪ்роЪை роХாроп்роХро▒ிроХро│் , роиீро░்рооோро░் , роХாроп்роХро▒ிроХро│் роЪூрок் , ро░роЪроо் рокோрой்ро▒ро╡ை рокோродுрооாрой роЕро│ро╡ிро▓் роЙрог்рогро▓ாроо்